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本文說明如何使用 Netdom.exe 公用程式 (包含在 Windows XP「支援工具」中) 來重新命名屬於 Windows 2000 或 Windows XP 網域成員的電腦。您可以在要重新命名的本機電腦或遠端電腦上執行此程序。此外,執行此程式時,您不需重設或手動重建網域中的電腦帳戶。
Netdom.exe 公用程式可以重新命名屬於 Windows XP 網域成員的電腦。然而,若要重新命名電腦,您必須要能指定具有本機系統管理權限的使用者帳戶,以及 Active Directory 中的電腦帳戶物件。
如果您不想收到是否要繼續進行的提示,當您輸入 netdom 命令時,除了其他參數之外,請另外加上 /force 參數。
- 請從 Windows XP Professional CD-ROM 上的 [Support\Tools] 資料夾中安裝 Windows XP「支援工具」。
- 在命令提示字元下,輸入下面命令。注意:下面命令列已經折成好幾行,以方便您閱讀。請以單一行來輸入此命令。
netdom renamecomputer machine /newname:new_computername /userd:domainname\administrator_id /passwordd:* /usero:local_admin
/passwordo:* /reboot:seconds before automatic reboot
Machine 是電腦目前的名稱。
New_computername 是電腦的新名稱。
Domainname\administrator_id 是網路基本輸入/輸出系統 (NetBIOS) 的網域名稱,以及對網域中的電腦物件具有系統管理權限的使用者帳戶的系統管理員識別碼 (ID)。
Local_admin 是具有本機系統管理權限的使用者,有可能和 /userd: 所指定的帳戶相同。
星號 (*) 是和 /passwordd: 與 /passwordo: 參數連在一起用的值,是用來指定當命令傳送出去時密碼應該要以隱藏的字元來輸入。
Time before automatic reboot in seconds 是重新命名電腦後,電腦在重新啟動前所需的時間。如果沒有指定此參數,您就必須手動重新啟動電腦。
netdom renamecomputer mycomputer /newname:yourcomputer
/userD:mydomain\administrator /passwordd:*
/usero:administrator /passwordo:* /reboot:60
您可能會收到下面警告訊息,並提示您是否要繼續進行:/userD:mydomain\administrator /passwordd:*
/usero:administrator /passwordo:* /reboot:60
This operation will rename the computer "Mycomputer" to "Yourcomputer".Certain services, such as certification authority, rely on a fixed computer name.If any services of this type are running on "Mycomputer", a computer name change would have an adverse impact. (此操作程序會將「Mycomputer」電腦重新命名為「Yourcomputer」。某些服務,例如憑證授權,是要依靠固定的電腦名稱,如果 「Mycomputer」上正在執行任何這類服務,變更電腦名稱會造成不利的影響。)
本文件是根據 Microsoft Knowledgebase 文件編號 Q298593 翻譯的. 若要參考原始英文文件內容, 請至以下網址:
文章編號: 298593 - 上次校閱: 2001年8月15日 - 版次: 1.0
Netdom RenameComputer /?
The syntax of this command is:
NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER machine /NewName:new-name
/UserD:user [/PasswordD:[password | *]]
[/UserO:user [/PasswordO:[password | *]]]
[/REBoot[:Time in seconds]]
NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER renames a computer that is joined to a domain. The
computer object in the domain is also renamed. Certain services, such as the
Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine name. If any services of this
type are running on the target computer, then a computer name change would
have an adverse impact.
machine is the name of the workstation, member server, or domain controller
to be renamed
/NewName Specifies the new name for the computer. Both the DNS host
label and the NetBIOS name are changed to new-name. If
new-name is longer than 15 characters, the NetBIOS name is
derived from the first 15 characters
/UserD User account used to make the connection with the domain
to which the computer is joined. This is a required parameter.
The domain can be specified as "/ud:domain\user". If domain is
omitted, then the computer's domain is assumed.
/PasswordD Password of the user account specified by /UserD. A * means
to prompt for the password
/UserO User account used to make the connection with the machine to
be renamed. If omitted, then the currently logged on user's
account is used. The user's domain can be specified as
"/uo:domain\user". If domain is omitted, then a local computer
account is assumed.
/PasswordO Password of the user account specified by /UserO. A * means
to prompt for the password
/Force As noted above, this command can adversely affect some services
running on the computer. The user will be prompted for
confirmation unless the /FORCE switch is specified.
/REBoot Specifies that the machine should be shutdown and automatically
rebooted after the Rename has completed. The number of seconds
before automatic shutdown can also be provided. Default is
30 seconds
NETDOM HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.
The command completed successfully.
Netdom RenameComputer 舊的電腦名稱 /NewName:新的電腦名稱 /UserD:網域名稱\管理員帳號 /PasswordD:密碼 /Force
Netdom RenameComputer PooR001 /NewName:P00R001 /userD:網域名稱\帳號 /passwordD:密碼
變更名稱 舊電腦名稱 新電腦名稱 有權限變更名稱的帳號
這個操作會將電腦 PooR001 重新命名
Windows 2000 Pro也適用.