2016年1月8日 星期五

ESX(i) 指令集

ESX(i) 指令集

轉載至 http://tryserver.blogspot.tw/2012/03/note-esxi.html

#vmware -v

列出 esx 裡知道的服務
#esxconfig-firewall -s

#esxcfg-firewall -q sshclinet
-sh: esxcfg-firewall: not found

重新啟動 vmware 服務
#service mgmt-vmware restart

*修改 root 的密碼
#passwd root

#esxcfg-vswitch –l

#esxcfg-vswif -1

#esxcfg-nics –l

實作案例 :

#esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1

#esxcfg-vswitch -A internal vSwitch1

#esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic1 vSwitch1

#esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic2 vSwitch1

#esxcfg-vswitch -D vSwitch1

#esxcfg-vswitch -u vmnic1 vswitch2

刪除 portgroup
#esxcfg-vswitch -D internel vswitch1

創建 vmkernel switch ,如果你希望使用 vmotion,iscsi 的這些功能,你必須創建(通常是不需要添加網關的)

#esxcfg-vswitch -l

#esxcfg-vswitch -a vswitch2

#esxcfg-vswitch -A "vm kernel" vswitch2

#esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic3 vswitch2

#esxcfg-vmknic -a "vm kernel" -i -n


打開防火牆 ssh 端口

#esxcfg-firewall -e sshclient

#esxcfg-firewall -d sshclient


#esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch0

#esxcfg-vswitch -A "service console" vSwitch0

#esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic0 vSwitch0

#esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p "service console" -i -n

添加 nas 設備(a 添加標籤,-o,是 nas 伺服器的名字或 ip,-s 是 nas 輸入的共用名稱字)
#esxcfg-nas -a isos -o nas.vmwar.cn -s isos

列出 nas 連接
#esxcfg-nas –l

強迫 esx 去連接 nas 服務器(用 esxcfg-nas -l 來看看結果)

#esxcfg-nas -r

#esxcfg-nas –l

連接 iscsi 設備(e:enable q:查詢 d:disable s:強迫搜索)
#esxcfg-swiscsi –e

設置 targetip
#vmkiscsi-tool -D -a vmhba40

列出和 target 的連接
#vmkiscsi-tool -l -T vmhba40

#ls -l /vmfs/devices/disks

Esxcfg command help

Networking: Esxcfg-firewall Esxcfg-nics Esxcfg-vswitch Esxcfg-vswif Esxcfg-route Esxcfg-vmknic


Description: Configures the service console firewall ports

Syntax: esxcfg-firewall <options>


-q Lists current settings
-q <service> Lists settings for the specified service
-q incoming|outgoing Lists settings for non-required incoming/outgoing ports
-s Lists known services
-l Loads current settings
-r Resets all options to defaults
-e <service> Allows specified service through the firewall (enables)
-d <service> Blocks specified service (disables)
-o <port, tcp|udp,in|out,name> Opens a port
-c <port, tcp|udp,in|out> Closes a port previously opened by –o
-h Displays command help
-allowincoming Allow all incoming ports
-allowoutgoing Allow all outgoing ports
-blockincoming Block all non-required incoming ports (default value)
-blockoutgoing Block all non-required outgoing ports (default value)

Default Services:

AAMClient Added by the vpxa RPM: Traffic between ESX Server hosts for VMware High Availability (HA) and EMC Autostart Manager – inbound and outbound TCP and UDP Ports 2050 – 5000 and 8042 – 8045

activeDirectorKerberos Active Directory Kerberos - outbound TCPs Port 88 and 464
CIMHttpServer First-party optional service: CIM HTTP Server - inbound TCP Port 5988
CIMHttpsServer First-party optional service: CIM HTTPS Server - inbound TCP Port 5989

CIMSLP First-party optional service: CIM SLP - inbound and outbound TCP and UDP Ports 427
commvaultDynamic Backup agent: Commvault dynamic – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 8600 – 8619
commvaultStatic Backup agent: Commvault static – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 8400 – 8403

ftpClient FTP client - outbound TCP Port 21
ftpServer FTP server - inbound TCP Port 21
kerberos Kerberos - outbound TCPs Port 88 and 749
LicenseClient FlexLM license server client - outbound TCP Ports 27000 and 27010
nfsClient NFS client - outbound TCP and UDP Ports 111 and 2049 (0 – 65535)
nisClient NIS client - outbound TCP and UDP Ports 111 (0 – 65535)
ntpClient NTP client - outbound UDP Port 123
smbClient SMB client - outbound TCP Ports 137 – 139 and 445
snmpd SNMP services - inbound TCP Port 161 and outbound TCP Port 162
sshClient SSH client - outbound TCP Port 22
sshServer SSH server - inbound TCP Port 22
swISCSIClient First-party optional service: Software iSCSI client - outbound TCP Port 3260
telnetClient NTP client - outbound TCP Port 23
TSM Backup agent: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager – inbound and outbound TCP Ports 1500
veritasBackupExec Backup agent: Veritas BackupExec – inbound TCP Ports 10000 – 10200
veritasNetBackup Backup agent: Veritas NetBackup – inbound TCP Ports 13720, 13732, 13734, and 13783
vncServer VNC server - Allow VNC sessions 0-64: inbound TCP Ports 5900 – 5964
vpxHeartbeats vpx heartbeats - outbound UDP Port 902

Note: You can configure your own services in the file /etc/vmware/firewall/services.xml


esxcfg-firewall examples:

Enable ssh client connections from the Service Console:
# esxcfg-firewall -e sshClient

Disable the Samba client connections:
# esxcfg-firewall -d smbClient

Allow syslog outgoing traffic:
# esxcfg-firewall -o 514,udp,out,syslog

Turn off the firewall:

# esxcfg-firewall -allowIncoming

# esxcfg-firewall -allowOutgoing

Re-enable the firewall:

# esxcfg-firewall -blockIncoming

# esxcfg-firewall –blockOutgoing

Description: Prints a list of physical network adapters along with information on the driver, PCI device, and link state of each NIC. You can also use this command to control a physical network adapter’s speed and duplexing.
Syntax: esxcfg-nics <options> [nic]

-s <speed> Set the speed of this NIC to one of 10/100/1000/10000. Requires a NIC parameter.
-d <duplex> Set the duplex of this NIC to one of 'full' or 'half'. Requires a NIC parameter.
-a Set speed and duplex automatically. Requires a NIC parameter.
-l Print the list of NICs and their settings.
-r Restore the NICs configured speed/duplex settings. (Internal use only)
-h Displays command help


esxcfg-nics examples:
Set the speed and duplex of a NIC (vmnic2) to 100/Full:
#esxcfg-nics -s 100 -d full vmnic2

Set the speed and duplex of a NIC (vmnic2) to auto-negotiate:
#esxcfg-nics -a vmnic2

