2013年10月20日 星期日




無法更改Temporary Internet Files資料夾位置
無法更改Temporary Internet Files資料夾大小
無法更改Temporary Internet Files大小
cannot change temporary internet files cache size windows 7
Please select a value between 8 and 8 for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use


這個問題其實以前在IE6時代,就曾經碰過,找了好久的資料一直都沒有辦法解決,最後只好放棄,以重灌作業系統(忘了是Windows2000還是Windows XP)來解決.
這次是Windows 7及IE8的環境,也發生類狀況,無法在IE上開啟檔案,也無法下載檔案,以中文查找,同樣找了好久的資料一直都沒有辦法找到有效解決方式,浪費了兩天的假期,實在有點想放棄,但是以另外重灌作業系統的方式會花更多時間,最後再嘗試以英文查找,終於找到有效解決的方法,只是用英文查找很吃力.



IE Temporary Internet Files Corruption 

Recently, we did PC upgrades for 8 users. 4 of these users needed specific IE settings in order for one of their Line of Business apps to function correctly. One of the required settings was setting the Temporary Internet Files to a specific size and to check for a newer version every time. Any changes we made to the Temporary Internet Files settings reverted back. What was weird was when we tried to change the Disk space to use value from 0 to 100, we received the following error:
Please select a value between 8 and 8 for how much disk space Temporary Internet Files may use.
Even weirder: the Current location listed for Temporary Internet Files was blank. When attempting to move the folder, we got an error stating there was not enough disk space available. This was a brand new machine and had plenty of disk space. Time for some extreme Googling. Found this KB article, but it maxed out with IE 5.5 (I was on IE 9). Plus, I didn’t have any trace of McAfee on the machine. Next decent result was deleting the Temporary Internet Files directory. The directory existed, but when I went up a level I couldn’t see it. Even with View hidden files and folders enabled. Bring on command line:
rmdir /s /q “C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files”
This successfully deleted the Temporary Internet Files directory. My thought was, after deleting the directory and re-opening IE it would re-create that directory. Well, it did re-create it, but the problem was still there. Next step: Downgrade to IE 8. No go. We then logged into the same machine using a different account. IE worked great.
After that discovery we decided the only fix was to delete the local profile on each machine and start over (Windows 7):
  1. Login as an administrator
  2. Right click Computer
  3. Click Properties
  4. Advanced system settings
  5. Under User Profiles click Settings
  6. Select the local profile affected
  7. Delete
After the account was deleted locally, we logged back in with the same account as before and tested. Temporary Internet Files worked. We still aren’t sure what caused the problem. We re-installed the plugin that we thought was originally causing the problem, but it didn’t recreate the problem. The only other guess I have is the upgrade from IE 9 to IE 10 and back down to IE 9 messed something up. We had upgraded to IE 10 via our initial Windows Update process, then we received those specific IE settings which required IE 9 so we downgraded.

UPDATE: Thanks to T for commenting below. Here is the solution he found:
  1. Login as the affected user
  2. Run regedit
  3. Navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\5.0
  4. Delete (or rename) the following keys: Cache, LowCache
  5. Open IE – IE will automatically create new Cache and LowCache keys
  6. Navigate to Internet Options > General > Browsing History > Settings
After completing these steps Disk Space should now be set to 250 by default, and you should be able to change the value. Current location should also have a valid path.

  1. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\InternetSettings\5.0
  2. Delete (or rename) the following keys: Cache

Internet Explorer 8 增強式安全性設定

