2011年7月22日 星期五

Informatica 錯誤訊息01

Informatica 錯誤訊息01

CMN_1218 An unrecoverable error has occurred in the SYBASE server communication channel

CMN_1036 Sybase Error
CMN_1036 [Wed Jul 20 08:53:55 2011 SQL Client Message  84083974 : ct_fetch(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect]

CMN_1022 Database driver error...
CMN_1022 [
Function Name : Fetch
SqlStmt : SELECT pol_subclass.ipolicy_dep, pol_subclass.ipolicy, pol_subclass.iendorse, pol_subclass.iclass, pol_subclass.isubclass, pol_subclass.isubclass_scope, pol_subclass.msub_insured, pol_subclass.ndesc_insured, pol_subclass.msub_prem, pol_subclass.msub_deduct, pol_subclass.psub_rate, pol_subclass.ndeduct1, pol_subclass.ndeduct2, pol_subclass.deduct_kind, pol_subclass.faculty_mk FROM pol_subclass]

CMN_1022 Database driver error...

BLKR_16034 ERROR: Fetch failed.


9210: network problems


These error messages are displayed in the Adaptive Server error log:
2006/09/07 09:41:26.34 RepAgent (10) Error: 9210,
Severity: EX_CMDFATAL, State: 1
Fatal error from CT-Lib.
Open Client Client-Library error: Error: 84083974,
Severity: 5 -- ct_results(): unable to get layer message
string: unable to get origin message string: Net-Library
operation terminated due to disconnect.


You see these error messages when there are network problems; for example, when a RepAgent could not initialize a CT-Lib connection, or a Replication Server returned an unexpected error. Network problems can also cause RepAgent error 9212 (which is caused by a CT-Lib error).
After you fix the network problems, execute the admin who_is_down command on the Replication Server. You see that the REP AGENT USER threads are down.
In RMS, “suspect status” (yellow) is displayed for the Replication Server, while “normal” status (green) is displayed for the RepAgent.


Fix the network problems and restart RepAgent.


